Dr. Erin Jacques | @dr.erintalks

Level Up Your Life: Turning Advice into Action with Lessons from Hidden Potential

1 Actionable Tip for the Week

Ask a trusted mentor, colleague, or friend to rate your recent work on a scale of 1 to 10. Focus on responses below 10, and inquire what specific action could improve your score by one point. This approach turns criticism into actionable advice. Put this into action this week—Good Luck!

Book I'm Reading for the Week

"Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant turns the idea of success on its head, making a case for growing bit by bit and learning from when things don't go as planned. Imagine getting better by simply not being afraid to mess up and knowing who to listen to for advice that really helps.

Grant gets us thinking about whether being told what to do by experts is always the best way to learn, especially for beginners. He suggests that sometimes, the support we need should change as we get better at what we're doing. Plus, he talks about how important it is to have a mix of cheerleaders and critics in our lives. It's about finding a balance that keeps us going, even when things get tough. And there's this amazing story about a woman who tries to climb Mount Everest. Despite being doubted and facing incredibly hard challenges, she pushes on nearly to the top. This story and others in the book show us how having a reason to keep going, like doing something in honor of a friend, or just proving someone wrong, can give us the strength to keep pushing through the hard times. Grant shows us that it's our connections with others and our inner drive that really help us tackle big challenges and aim even higher next time.

2 Ideas from Me

“Done is better than perfect! Get something done and share it with the world. Don’t wait to be perfect!”

-Dr. Erin Jacques

“Got fired? Channel your tears toward cultivating your passion – and Hire Yourself!”

-Dr. Erin Jacques

2 Quotes from Others

“Ideas don't come out fully formed"

-Mark Zuckerberg

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."

Vidal Sassoon

Until Next Week,

-Dr. Erin Jacques

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I'm Dr. Erin Jacques | PhD | Entrepreneur | Prof | UPenn & Columbia Graduate

Host of the "Dr.ErinTalks" Podcast where we focus on Personal Branding to elevate your income potential -- whether that be entering a top university, landing a high income job or creating another stream of income.

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